General Objective

General Objective

To promote scientific research and the exchange of knowledge in various fields of science that will strengthen the development of the bamboo sector.

Specific Objectives

Each specific objective constitutes a work axis of the network. Each one is made up of a group of experts who seek to promote activities that aim at:

Generate Knowledge

Generate Knowledge

Promote research, innovation and development projects on bamboo among the members of the Network.

Exchange Knowledge

Exchange Knowledge

Generate exchanges of professors, researchers and students for teaching missions, research or academic internships related to bamboo activities.

Manage Knowledge

Manage Knowledge

To constitute a platform for articulation through the establishment of spaces for discussion and dissemination of information from research and innovations that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs through the use of bamboo.

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International Network of Universities and Research Centers related to Bamboo
RIUCI bamboo © 2024